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Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2019

A country would I like to visit

 A country that I want visits a long time ago is Turkey. This country calls my attention because I have seen many pictures of it and I was really in love. It is a very interesting country to visit, the places are beautiful and the buildings have a lot of details, colors, and shapes. Also, Turkey has the most beautiful beaches, with crystal water and a lot of vegetation around. In my treap, I would like to visit all the temples, churches, palaces I can. And also, ride on an aerostatic balloon and saw all the city from high. I don't know much more about this country, but I think that they have very interesting customs, and a lifestyle very different at ours. Also, I would like to learn Turkish but I think that it would be very difficult, anyway it's going to be a challenge! Would you like to visit Turkey too? And what is the last Country that you have visited?