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Hello everyone, today I'm gonna talk about the food I prefer and the ones I don't like. To me is too difficult to decide one food as my favorite, but I think that sushi is the one. I really like the sushi because it combines a lot of different flavors that go very well together. Anyway I love the avocado, the salmon and the cream cheese, so my favorite roll must include them. The sushi can be prepared with many different  ingredients, and that´s why you don't get bored with eating it and you can choose the ingredients that you like most. My favorite restaurant of sushi is Niu Sushi bar and delivery, they have very good sushi and is not too expensive. Another food that I like very much is the pizza, my mom and my dad make the best home made pizzas. And finally the third food that I like very much is the "Ají de Gallina"  a typical Peruvian plate. Also, there are foods that I don't like very much, like most seafood, except fish. I don't like them becau
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The best series

My favorite series is "La Casa de Papel”. This series is about a mysterious man who planned to storm the national coin and bell factory. For this, he recruits 8 people with different qualities very different stories. The plan is to enter the factory armed and take as laugh all the people who are inside the factory. So, have them as a threat and be able to fulfill the plan: print 2400 million euros and escape from the factory with the money. This is one of my favorite series because there is action all the time and leaves you very hooked. My favorite character is Nairobi, one of the 8 robbers. I love how she acts in the series, he is very intense and has a strong character. You've seen this series? Do you like it?

My trip to costa rica and panama

Hello everyone, I will talk about one of my best holidays. The last summer I went to Costa Rica and  Panamá  with my boyfriend and another couple. We spend there for 3 weeks and we have a lot of fun and great experiences. The places that we like most are,  Bocas  del  Toro  in Panama and Santa Teresa in Costa Rica, also National Park Manuel Antonio in Costa Rica was very beautiful too. In  Bocas  del  Toro , we went to many  beautiful beaches, we have to move by boat from island to island. One day we do snorkeling in the Caribbean sea and it was amazing, we saw many sea animals, like an octopus, sea stars, a  blowfish  a shark and many other fishes. But the bad thing was that in the water there where some algae that if you touch them it hurts and that  where invisible.  The other place that we like too much was Santa Teresa, a very small city bounded by a long beach full of surfers doing sports early and a lot of good vibes. And the third place that we liked most, was the National Park

A country would I like to visit

 A country that I want visits a long time ago is Turkey. This country calls my attention because I have seen many pictures of it and I was really in love. It is a very interesting country to visit, the places are beautiful and the buildings have a lot of details, colors, and shapes. Also, Turkey has the most beautiful beaches, with crystal water and a lot of vegetation around. In my treap, I would like to visit all the temples, churches, palaces I can. And also, ride on an aerostatic balloon and saw all the city from high. I don't know much more about this country, but I think that they have very interesting customs, and a lifestyle very different at ours. Also, I would like to learn Turkish but I think that it would be very difficult, anyway it's going to be a challenge! Would you like to visit Turkey too? And what is the last Country that you have visited?